iSMA Controlli I/O Expansion Modules

iSMA Controlli

iSMA Expansion I/O Modules

Modern buildings are living, breathing entities. In order to perform at their highest level, to achieve maximum efficiency and comfort, building management systems (BMS) are used. The BMS has a brain but a brain without a body isn’t very useful. The body of the BMS are field controllers, sensors,
meters, valves, dampers, VFDs, relays, and actuators.

iSMA Controlli is a name you’ll find in most of our control installations. iSMA I/O module are powerful, purpose-built input output modules with a full range of input and outputs, and various communications methods. These I/O modules allow BMS to translate sensor data through the conversion of analog
values into the digital world.

iSMA I/O modules

BMS systems need to differentiate between Analog and Digital Signals. Most devices are controlled using a 0-10 V analog signal, which allows them to operate within a range of 0 to 100%. For example, in an inverter, this signal controls the motor speed from 0% to 100%. In the case of a three-way valve used for mixing hot and cold water, the signal adjusts the valve’s position proportionally.

On the other hand, Digital signals are binary, with two distinct states: ON/OFF, TRUE/FALSE, or 1/0. Digital signals are commonly used to turn devices on or off, such as activating a light, controlling a fan’s operation, or enabling and disabling a cooler or heater.

iSMA I/O modules are also available as BACnet RS485 devices or with the updated BACnet IP (ethernet) protocol.

iSMA-B-MIX18-IP I/O module.

BMS needs to be flexible in terms of scalability and the possibility of implementing changes. That means open protocols, a full range of input and outputs, and various communication methods. That is why 18 types of iSMA I/O Modules can be found in iSMA portfolio, with support for all of the types of Input and Output used in the building:

  • Universal Inputs
  • Digital Inputs
  • Analog Outputs
  • Digital Outputs
  • TRIAC Outputs

The Genesis Building Controls team is excited to continue to use world-class iSMA Controlli products as part of our customized Building Management Solutions. 

Contact Genesis today to learn how iSMA I/O modules can help your building operate at its highest efficiency.

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